Note 10 Property, plant and equipment

Carrying amounts

As at
As at
Land 516 801 520 207
Mineral deposits 328 793 332 848
Buildings and structures 1 881 080 1 815 832
Technical devices and machines 2 595 316 2 444 008
Vehicles 127 669 133 164
Other 109 451 105 316
5 559 110 5 351 375
Property, plant and equipment under construction 870 657 553 731
6 429 767 5 905 106
* Financial information restated as presented in point 2.3.1 of the notes to the consolidated financial statements


Carrying amounts of property, plant and equipment

Land Mineral deposits Buildings and structures Technical devices and machines Vehicles Other Property, plant and equipment under construction Total
Carrying amount at 01.01.2015 520 207 332 848 1 815 832 2 444 008 133 164 105 316 553 731 5 905 106
Additions, including: 4 099 195 499 476 239 27 029 28 520 1 013 308 1 744 694
Additions through purchases, construction, transfer to use 3 724 190 230 455 596 19 395 28 478 1 010 740 1 708 163
Additions through lease agreements 1 124 7 617 39 886 9 666
Reversal of impairment loss 575 2 682 17 3 150 3 427
Reclassification from investment property 356 3 054 22 3 432
Other additions 19 1 640 16 815 1 532 20 006
Deductions, including: (-) (7 505) (4 055) (130 251) (324 931) (32 524) (24 385) (696 382) (1 220 033)
Depreciation (6 569) (2 785) (106 234) (282 771) (21 523) (24 062) (443 944)
Disposals (463) (276) (1 100) (287) (34) (248) (2 408)
Liquidation (23) (1 500) (7 380) (2 019) (32) (65) (11 019)
Transfer to use (687 096) (687 096)
Recognised impairment loss (357) (16 084) (29 787) (8 417) (149) (4 608) (59 402)
Reclassification to investment property (559) (1 288) (1 847)
Effect of movements in exchange rates (1 270) (11) (85) (5) (3) (1 374)
Other deductions (93) (5 587) (3 808) (273) (105) (3 077) (12 943)
Carrying amount at 31.12.2015 516 801 328 793 1 881 080 2 595 316 127 669 109 451 870 657 6 429 767

Land Mineral deposits Buildings and structures Technical devices and machines Vehicles Other Property, plant and equipment under construction Total
Carrying amount at 01.01.2014 507 367 336 840 1 772 736 2 422 371 138 409 91 740 466 915 5 736 378
Additions, including: 22 221 7 490 187 898 343 145 17 001 38 895 642 593 1 259 243
Additions through purchases, construction, transfer to use 4 018 171 757 335 434 12 582 38 245 640 188 1 202 224
Acquisitions through business combinations 17 235 47 100 361 127 17 870
Additions through lease agreements 3 550 4 015 503 880 8 948
Reversal of impairment loss 136 9 934 1 459 5 8 11 542
Reclassification from investment property 1 997 1 997
Effect of movements in exchange rates 28 7 490 321 1 724 28 12 9 603
Other additions 804 3 842 878 10 1 525 7 059
Deductions, including: (-) (9 381) (11 482) (144 802) (321 508) (22 246) (25 319) (555 777) (1 090 515)
Depreciation (6 312) (11 482) (111 955) (283 075) (20 358) (24 860) (458 042)
Disposals (3 046) (12 280) (2 536) (868) (15) (18 745)
Liquidation (23) (2 841) (4 358) (507) (166) (96) (7 991)
Transfer to use (554 458) (554 458)
Recognised impairment loss (13 654) (28 580) (121) (270) (787) (43 412)
Reclassification to investment property (4 072) (436) (4 508)
Effect of movements in exchange rates
Other deductions (2 959) (392) (8) (3 359)
Carrying amount at 31.12.2014 520 207 332 848 1 815 832 2 444 008 133 164 105 316 553 731 5 905 106


Gross carrying amount of property, plant and equipment

Land Mineral deposits Buildings and structures Technical devices and machines Vehicles Other Property, plant and equipment under construction Total
Balance at 31.12.2015
Gross carrying amount 541 473 345 615 2 713 957 4 549 017 255 650 223 629 927 000 9 556 341
Accumulated depreciation (-) (23 035) (16 822) (784 502) (1 845 895) (82 917) (113 714) (2 866 885)
Impairment loss (-) (1 637) (48 375) (107 806) (45 064) (464) (56 343) (259 689)
Carrying amount at 31.12.2015 516 801 328 793 1 881 080 2 595 316 127 669 109 451 870 657 6 429 767
Balance at 31.12.2014
Gross carrying amount 537 957 346 939 2 523 629 4 100 255 240 582 193 582 605 616 8 548 560
Accumulated depreciation (-) (16 470) (14 091) (674 932) (1 575 546) (70 754) (87 947) (2 439 740)
Impairment loss (-) (1 280) (32 865) (80 701) (36 664) (319) (51 885) (203 714)
Carrying amount at 31.12.2014 520 207 332 848 1 815 832 2 444 008 133 164 105 316 553 731 5 905 106


Impairment losses

Land Buildings and structures Technical devices and machines Vehicles Other Property, plant and equipment under construction Total
Impairment loss at 01.01.2015 1 280 32 866 80 701 36 664 318 51 885 203 714
Impairment recognised in the statement of profit or loss 357 16 084 29 787 8 417 149 4 608 59 402
Reversal/ utilisation of impairment recognised in the statement of profit or loss (-) (575) (2 682) (17) (3) (150) (3 427)
Impairment loss at 31.12.2015 1 637 48 375 107 806 45 064 464 56 343 259 689
Impairment loss at 01.01.2014 1 416 29 146 53 580 36 548 56 51 098 171 844
Impairment recognised in the statement of profit or loss 13 654 28 580 121 270 787 43 412
Reversal / utilisation of impairment recognised in the statement of profit or loss (-) (136) (9 934) (1 459) (5) (8) (11 542)
Impairment loss at 31.12.2014 1 280 32 866 80 701 36 664 318 51 885 203 714


In the reporting period, the Group recognised impairment loss on property, plant and equipment of PLN 59 402 thousand (2014: PLN 43 412 thousand) presented in other operating expenses. The amount consists of:

  • impairment loss for property, plant and equipment related to the fat processing plant (Chemicals Segment) in the total amount of PLN 18 405 thousand, including mainly buildings and structures of PLN 7 858 thousand and technical devices and machines of PLN 9 493 thousand. The impairment loss was recognised mainly due to the negative performance of the plant and the decrease in the forecasted future cash flows resulting from: operating below full capacity, a significant decrease in the main product’s prices – stearin, an increase in the main raw material’s prices – animal fat and strong competition from the Asian market using palm oil in production. The recoverable amount of the plant amounts to PLN 52 740 thousand and was determined as a value in use, with the nominal weighted average cost of capital of 7.85% calculated post-tax;
  • impairment loss for property, plant and equipment related to the carbon disulphide plant, the sodium sulphide plant, tankers and transport containers for carbon disulphide (Chemicals Segment) in the total amount of PLN 13 245 thousand, including mainly buildings and structures of PLN 1 982 thousand, technical devices and machines of PLN 3 110 thousand and vehicles of PLN 8 079 thousand. The impairment loss was recognised following the decision to stop the production of carbon disulphide due to the low market capacity and inability to sell the volumes guaranteeing the profitability of production. The recoverable amount is nil and was estimated based on its fair value less the costs of disposal. It is estimated that the proceeds from their scrapping and removal will cover the expected costs of dismantling. The fair value measurement was categorized as a Level 3 fair value.
  • impairment loss for property, plant and equipment and intangible assets of cyclohexanone from benzene plant (Plastics segment) in the amount of PLN 12 125 thousand including mainly technical devices and machines of PLN 11 535 thousand. The installation producing cyclohexanone from benzene comprises the equipment used in the production of cyclohexanone, a material used in the production of caprolactam. An impairment loss was recognised due to the changes in the Group’s business model concerning production of plastics, related completion of the investment in the installation producing cyclohexanone from phenol, limited potential for selling the cyclohexanone on the market and the decision to close plant producing cyclohexanone from benzene in 2016. The recoverable amount of the assets was estimated based on their fair value less the costs of disposal and amounts to PLN 2 291 thousand as at 31 December 2015. The fair value measurement was categorized as a Level 3 fair value. The recoverable amount concerns the installation’s buildings that will continue to be used. For the remaining assets, it is estimated that the proceeds from their scrapping and removal will cover the expected costs of dismantling;
  • impairment loss for the unused plant of phthalic anhydride (Other Segments) in the amount of PLN 7 876 thousand, including buildings and structures of PLN 3 204 thousand and technical devices and machines of PLN 4 672 thousand. The increase in the impairment loss (in 2014, the Group recognised an impairment loss for the plant of PLN 40 267 thousand) results from the change in the estimate of the plant’s recoverable amount, determined based on fair value less the costs of disposal. As at 31 December 2015 the recoverable amount was PLN 2 249 thousand (as at 31 December 2014: PLN 11 873 thousand). The fair value measurement was categorized as a Level 3 fair value.

Other impairment losses concerned property, plant and equipment which are not in use and will be put into liquidation in the foreseeable future or will be physically liquidated. The utilisation of impairment allowances applies to property, plant and equipment that were put into liquidation, were removed or sold and for which impairment had previously been recognised. There were no indications in the current period that the impairment recognized in prior years for polioxymethylene (POM) installation (Plastics segment) may cease to exist and needs to be reversed.

Property, plant and equipment under construction

The most significant items of property, plant and equipment under construction included:

  • Construction of the New Heat and Power Plant in Grupa Azoty ZAK S.A. which is to restore heat and power production capacity using solutions complying with the increasing environmental requirements. As at the 31 December 2015, the capitalised expenditures amounted to PLN 199 651 thousand (31 December 2014: PLN 65 549 thousand),
  • Exhaust gas treatment system and modernization of ECII power plant in Grupa Azoty POLICE which is to adapt the plant to EU IED Directive. As at the 31 December 2015, the capitalised expenditures amounted to PLN 117 914 thousand (31 December 2014: PLN 60 294 thousand),
  • Construction of Polyamide Plant II in the Parent Company. As at the 31 December 2015, the capitalised expenditures amounted to PLN 60 948 thousand (31 December 2014: PLN 2 325 thousand),
  • Construction of Granulation Plant II in the Parent Company. As at the 31 December 2015, the capitalised expenditures amounted to PLN 30 336 thousand (31 December 2014: PLN 5 532 thousand),
  • Construction of fertilizers warehouse with a capacity of 10 000 tones and associated equipment in the Parent Company. As at the 31 December 2015, the capitalised expenditures amounted to PLN 41 753 thousand (31 December 2014: PLN 10 621 thousand),
  • Construction of extraction-condensing turbine set in EC-20 Mw in the Parent Company. As at the 31 December 2015, the capitalised expenditures amounted to PLN 29 704 thousand (31 December 2014: PLN 265 thousand),
  • Modernization of ammonia plant in Grupa Azoty POLICE. As at the 31 December 2015, the capitalised expenditures amounted to PLN 29 497 thousand (31 December 2014: nil),
  • Construction of a PDH propylene production unit in Grupa Azoty POLICE. As at the 31 December 2015, the capitalised expenditures amounted to PLN 21 277 thousand (31 December 2014:nil).

Leased assets

As at
As at
Carrying amount of assets leased under finance lease 21 890 29 733


The Group leases under finance leases mainly computers, IT infrastructure, catalysts and vehicles including locomotives, carriages, passenger cars and fork lifts.



As at 31 December 2015, the carrying amount of property, plant and equipment pledged as security for bank loans amounted to PLN 26 120 thousand (31 December 2014: PLN 555 860 thousand).

Liability title / type of security As at
As at
Bank loan/ mortgage 21 184 199 334
Bank loan/ registered pledge 4 936 354 646
Bank loan/ transfer of ownership 1 880
26 120 555 860

In 2015, Grupa Azoty implemented a New Financing program, which includes: Revolving Loan Agreement, Intercompany Financing Agreement, Loan Agreements with the EBRD and the EIB. In result, the majority of pledges on the Group’s assets has been released.



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