Market overview

As estimated by CEFIC (European Chemical Industry Council), in 2015 the chemical production output in the EU increased by only 0.5% (year on year). Prices of chemicals fell by 4.5% over the first eight months of 2015, while sales volumes declined by approx. 30% over the first seven months of the year.

These trends were driven mainly by falling crude oil prices (which triggered price declines across the entire crude processing chain) and concerns about the economic conditions in China, the world’s largest consumer. The petrochemical segment proved to be most vulnerable in the reporting period, with prices going down by over 10% year on year in August. Slight price declines were also reported in specialised and consumer chemicals segments (down 0.4% and 0.9%, respectively).

The share of the European chemical industry in global production currently stands at around 17%, following a steady downward trend (down from over 30% twenty years ago), to the advantage of Asian and North American chemical industry.

Paradoxically enough, the cause of price declines, namely decreasing crude oil prices, proved beneficial for the manufacturers of chemicals, as lower prices of energy and feedstocks combined with cost-efficiency investments and measures ultimately contributed to better financial performance. CEFIC analysts project an approximately 1% growth of chemical production in the European Union in 2016.


Economic conditions in agriculture

2015 was another season of strong crop yields and high cumulative grain stock volumes globally, in Europe and in the local market, putting pressure on prices of basic grains and preventing their increase. That pressure was resisted by prices of rapeseed, whose stocks shrank.

In Poland, these adverse phenomena were mitigated by exports and the system of direct subsidies. In total, PLN 2.9bn, i.e. more than 20% of the total direct subsidies financial envelope for 2015 (amounting to about 14.5bn), was paid as at the end of December 2015.

Oilseed rape, wheat, rye and corn prices


PLN/tConsumable wheatCornConsumable ryeRapeseed
Q1 20147696671535559
Q2 20147877081711582
Q3 20146957581370504
Q4 20146855611375501
Q1 20157385851508526
Q2 20156955751566483
Q3 20156816431537511
Q4 20156836661627533
Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Compared with 2014, prices of rapeseed continued on the upward trend, while prices of grains fell:

Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rular Development
Average 2014 PLN/t
Consumable wheat 732 698 -4,6 ↑ 686 662 739
Consumable rye 537 513 -4,4 ↑ 543 473 543
Corn 675 618 -8,5 ↑ 688 571 688
Rapeseed 1 497 1 556 4 1 652 1 481 1 652


Nitrogen fertilizers

In the first half of 2015, demand in the nitrogen fertilizers market remained strong. Solid demand was particularly salient in the first quarter, i.e. during the spring fertilizer application season, while the second half of the year saw a slowdown attributable to lower seasonal demand, the prevailing drought conditions, and continuing low prices of agricultural produce. Over the same period, prices of ammonia were on a downward trend (starting from November 2014), with a year-on-year price correction of about 22%. Declining ammonia prices were chiefly attributable to low cost of natural gas.

Given the nature of agricultural production, no significant changes are expected with respect to the distribution of demand for nitrogen fertilizers in 2016, although prices may be subject to trends similar to last year’s.

Urea is the key product in the fertilizer segment, and has a direct or indirect effect on other nitrogen fertilizer markets. Its oversupply (in 2015, annual production capacities for urea increased by more than 4m tonnes), combined with certain macroeconomic factors such as low prices of agricultural produce, high grain stocks and the turmoil in the financial markets, supported the downward price trend, similarly as in the case of ammonia, throughout 2015. Urea prices were down more than 14% year on year. In 2016, demand for nitrogen fertilizers is traditionally expected to peak at the end of the first and beginning of the second quarter of the year. Similarly as in 2015, the distribution of demand is likely to be consistent with the forecast continuing low prices of agricultural produce, and the situation in the global market of urea. Agricultural producers may be expected to postpone purchases of fertilizers for subsequent applications until the last moment.

Prices of nitrogen fertilizers (urea, CAN, AN, AS,) and ammonia


PeriodCalcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) 27% Germany, CIF inland (bulk) (EUR/t)Ammonium nitrate AN 33.5% France, delivered (bulk) (EUR/t)Ammonium sulfate Black Sea FOB (white) (USD/t)Ammonia FOB YUZHNY (USD/t)Prilled urea FOB Baltc - USD/t
Q1 2014253324143440330
Q2 2014255318124482294
Q3 2014231295144488318
Q4 2014248320144564312
Q1 2015267347151410290
Q2 2015249319147392274
Q3 2015233298140387265
Q4 2015233304131354246
Source: ICIS, Argus FMB, Profercy.

Source: ICIS, Argus FMB,
CAN 27% Germany CIF inland (bulk) 247 245 -0.6 ↓ 233 228 271
AN 33,5% France, delivered (bulk) 314 317 1 307 286 353
USD/t USD/t yoy USD/t USD/t USD/t
Ammonia (FOB Yuzhny 493 386 -21.8 ↓ 311 311 423
Urea (FOB Baltic) 314 269 -14.3 ↓ 235 235 314
AS (Black Sea FOB white) 139 142 2,5 134 129 153

In 2016, prices of nitrogen fertilizers are forecast to undergo further corrections, mainly due to the considerable oversupply of urea in the market. In the first half of the year, the prices may be under considerable pressure, even in periods of increased demand. A slight price increase is expected in the second half of the year. Other nitrogen fertilizers may follow suit.
The consequences of this phenomenon may be mitigated by forecast low prices of production feedstock, including mainly natural gas (its price is forecast to drop further in 2016 to EUR 15 per 1 MWh), enabling producers to maintain their margins.

Market of compound fertilizers

In Western Europe, besides short seasonal increases in purchase volumes, sales of compound fertilizers (NPK) remained lower than in 2014. The prices of NPK fertilizers were relatively stable, though the price of standard 3×16 NPK fertilizer fell by about 5%. In the second half of the year, uncertainty as to the crop volumes and quality, and in particular the pressure on prices of grains and their high stocks resulted in limited purchases of NPK fertilizers by European farmers.

Global prices of DAP, a two-component fertilizer, remained under continuous pressure, mainly due to weak demand. In the course of the year, DAP prices went down by about 20%. Low prices of grains, currency depreciations, financial problems experienced by the largest importers, and adverse weather conditions contributed to limited purchases of this fertilizer in a number of markets.

Prices of compound fertilizers (NPK, DAP), potassium chloride and phosphate rock


PeriodDAP FOB Baltic USD/tNPK 3x16 FOB Baltic (USD/t)Potassium chloride FOB Baltic spot (USD/t)Phosphate rock FOB North Africa (USD/t)
Q1 2014478339282122
Q2 2014455322290122
Q3 2014504356297124
Q4 2014465326297125
Q1 2015478327297126
Q2 2015453322307127
Q3 2015455326306128
Q4 2015410315282129
Source: WFM, FERTECON, Profercy.

In 2015, prices of phosphate rock and potassium chloride rose slightly: by more than 3% and more than 2% year on year, respectively. Low prices of agricultural produce and lower incomes made farmers look for savings and purchase imported NPK fertilizers, at prices lower by PLN 50-100 per tonne than those quoted by domestic producers. However, in 2015 imports of NPK fertilizers shrank by about 25% compared with 2014.


Source: WFM, FERTECON, Profercy Average 2014
Average 2015
MIN 2015
MAX 2015
(FOB Baltic)
476 449 -5.6 ↓ 383 383 485
(FOB Baltic)
336 323 -3.9 ↓ 312 312 329
Potassium chloride
(FOB Baltic)
292 298 2.2 270 270 312
Phosphate rock
(FOB North Africa)
123 128 3.4 129 125 129


According to forecasts for 2016, in the first half of the year prices of compound fertilizers will remain low, and a change in this trend is not to be expected until the second half of the year. Any potential price growth will depend primarily on the quantity and quality of the crops, and on general macroeconomic factors, including export possibilities. Analysts expect that in 2016 total domestic demand for compound fertilizers will shrink.

Prices of phosphate rock are likely to drop, due to declining prices of phosphate fertilizers.


Prices of PA6, caprolactam, benzene and phenol

The market situation for the entire product chain was strongly affected by prices of crude oil, which are an important driver of prices of petrochemical feedstocks. The year-on-year drop in Brent crude prices of more than 46% was largely reflected in the prices of benzene, phenol and caprolactam, putting pressure on polyamide (PA6) producers to reduce their prices and margins. Short-terms forecasts provide no indication of any clear reversal of this trend. Stabilisation of crude oil prices would create a favourable environment for the restoration of a full market equilibrium in the sector, thus supporting the expected increase in demand for plastics.

Prices of PA6, caprolactam, benzene and phenol


OkresLiquid caprolactam, New Contract, Molten (Monthly) DDP WE (EUR/t)Crystalline caprolactam CFR N.E.ASIA (USD/t)Polyamide 6 Engineering Resin DDP WE (EUR/t)Phenol FD NWE (EUR/t)Benzene FOB NWE (EUR/t)
Q1 201419032373203315911013
Q2 201419332258207515841010
Q3 201419532265207516401063
Q4 20141811212519001490895
Q1 20151532175516171112545
Q2 20151737178518001312725
Q3 20151674163117251276696
Q4 20151508135815331148573

Source: ICIS, Tecnon, Rzeczpospolita Average 2014
MIN 2015
MAX 2015
995 635 -36.2 ↓ 604 519 796
1,576 1,212 -23.1 ↓ 1,183 1,090 1,397
(Liq., DDP, WE)
1,900 1,613 -15.1 ↓ 1,513 1,495 1,810
Polyamide 6 (PA6)
2,021 1,669 -17.4 ↓ 1,525 1,525 1,800
USD/t USD/t yoy USD/t USD/t USD/t
(CFR, NEAsia)
2,255 1,633 -27.6 ↓ 1,295 1,295 1,935
USD/bbl USD/bbl r/r USD/bbl USD/bbl USD/bbl
Crude oil
99.7 53.7 -46.1 ↓ 39.3 39.3 65.8

The crude oil price decline had the largest effect on the price of benzene. In 2015, its average annual price (FOB, NWE) was more than 36% lower than a year earlier. Among the factors that additionally affected benzene prices was the situation in the related markets (including the styrene market), connected with a gradual fall of demand in anticipation of more favourable prices of feedstocks for chemical production. Average annual prices of phenol went down as well, albeit not as much as the prices of benzene. Their decline of about 23% (FD, NWE) was driven by the downtrend in prices of crude oil, but also by seasonal supply deviations and the fact that producers were unable to ensure supply continuity due to plant failures and scheduled shutdowns.

Compared with the same period of the previous year, prices of liquid and flaked caprolactam fell by 15% and nearly 28% (CFR, NE Asia), respectively, pushed down by the dramatic drop in the prices of benzene, and by growing benzene production volumes from Asia. In 2015, the average price of polyamide 6 (PA6, Engineering Resin Virgin, DDP, WE) was about 1,669 EUR/t. Compared with 2014, it fell by more than 17%.

The entire segment experienced overall global oversupply, caused by the considerable increase in production capacities in China. Excess production capacity was also visible in the European markets, both in the case of caprolactam and polyamide. To keep their market shares, producers were forced to reduce margins, thus maintaining a price level acceptable to the market. However, the gradual development of the motor industry in the region and the prospects for GDP growth in Europe may pave the way to PA6 consumption growth in 2016. The PA6 market should be expected to expand in the long term, given the considerable potential with respect to extension of the product chain towards increasingly more technologically advanced products.


OXO product chain

The market situation for the whole OXO product chain was strongly affected by prices of crude oil. The prices of OXO alcohols and plasticizers went down driven by a downward trend in propylene prices, which was directly caused by a 46% year-on-year decline in the price of crude. Stabilisation of crude prices is necessary to improve the situation and restore market equilibrium for the entire OXO product chain.

Prices of 2-EH, DOTP and propylene


Okres2-EH FD NWE spot -EUR/tPropylene FD NWE spot -EUR/tDOTP FD NWE spot - EUR/t
Q1 2014141011291527
Q2 2014138811341525
Q3 2014138510641524
Q4 201413749901493
Q1 201511407961394
Q2 2015120010371424
Q3 201511638501411
Q4 20159175771411
Source: ICIS.

Source: ICIS Average 2014
Average 2015
MIN 2015
MAX 2015
(FD NWE spot)
1,390 1,105 -20.5 ↓ 888 888 1,261
(FD NWE spot)
1,517 1,382 -8.9 ↓ 1,288 1,288 1,439
(FD NWE spot)
1,079 815 -24.5 ↓ 614 542 1,075

Propylene prices were driven predominantly by the slump in crude oil prices but also, especially in the second half of 2015, by an oversupply of propylene related to maximised output of ethylene. As a result, year-on-year spot prices of propylene fell by approximately 25%.

The price of the key 2-EH alcohol reflected a downward trend in propylene prices and fell more than 20% year on year. Given considerable propylene price fluctuations, customers purchasing alcohols pursued a very conservative procurement policy focused on satisfying their current production needs. The prices of key plasticizer − DOTP fell almost 9% year on year, partly on the back of lower crude oil prices and procurement policies designed to limit stocks.

Generally, both OXO alcohols and plasticizers were in oversupply on the European market. In particular, Southern and Western European markets were affected by imports from Russia, Turkey and Asia. Producers struggled against strong competition as some European manufacturers, finding it increasingly difficult to sell their output in China, chose to seek alternative markets. Additionally, capacity constraints experienced in 2015 by PVC producers due to force majeure events, largely contributed to lower consumption of OXO alcohols and plasticizers used in PVC production.

In the long term, demand for 2-EH and DOTP in Europe is forecast to increase annually by 2.9% and 6.2%, respectively. Nevertheless, the target markets are very sensitive to current geopolitical and macroeconomic developments, and can easily be affected by pressures from the competitive environment. We predict that 2016 will see continued uncertainty and conservative procurement strategies on the part of customers.


The European sulfur market remained stable throughout 2015. Prices continued on a downward trend, reflecting the situation on the commodity market in general.

Sulfur prices


OkresSulfur Delivered Benelux (refinery) [USD/t]
Q1 2014140
Q2 2014167
Q3 2014167
Q4 2014167
Q1 2015167
Q2 2015164
Q3 2015162
Q4 2015145

Source: FERTECON Average 2014
Average 2015
MIN 2015
MAX 2015
Sulfur (Delivered Benelux refinery) 160 159 -0.5 ↓ 145 167 145
Sulfur (FOB Vancouver contract) 146 138 -5.2↓ 127 110 166

2016 is expected to see global sulfur consumption increase by ca. 4.5% on 2015, especially in the Middle East, Asia and Oceania (up by close to 17%). For Europe, the anticipated growth rate is put at 1%. The 2016 global sulfur output is forecast to exceed the 2015 figure by 8%, including in Europe by almost 2% yoy. Significant volumes of the product will come to the market from the Former Soviet Union countries and Africa (up over 13% year on year), as well as from the Middle East (more than 16%). The sulfur market will remain oversupplied, as a result of the use of sulfur recovery processes (primarily recovery from oil and gas).

According to forecasts, in 2016 sulfur prices are to be lower by USD 5−15/t than in 2015. Key drivers will include increased supply and availability of sulfur, and projected lower demand for compound fertilizers, including DAP (key product manufactured with sulfur).


In 2015, contract prices of melamine on the European market rose by ca. 1.4% year on year, driven by increased demand from North America, Turkey and Russia.

In the autumn season, higher demand for melamine was seen in the construction and automotive sectors.

Prices of melamine


OkresMelamine FD NWE EUR/t
Q1 20141353
Q2 20141334
Q3 20141304
Q4 20141333
Q1 20151340
Q2 20151345
Q3 20151353
Q4 20151360
Source: ICIS, Global Bleaching Chemicals.

Source: ICIS, Global Bleaching Chemicals Average 2014
Average 2015
MIN 2015
MAX 2015
Melamine 1 331 1 350 1,4 1 360 1 340 1 360

Given the stable market, in 2016 melamine prices in Europe should remain at levels close to 2015, or may rise slightly, with demand following a similar pattern.


Natural gas

Since mid-2014, gas prices have been falling, driven by the downtrend in crude prices. The emergence of new market entrants (the US, Iran) may boost gas supplies. In periods of higher demand for gas, its prices tend to go up, but the increase is usually insignificant, mainly due to mild winters, and does not reverse the downward trend.
In 2015, gas prices on the European market fell over 5% year on year.

Prices of natural gas


OkresPGNiG tariffTTF DA net of transmission cost
Q1 20142824
Q2 20142819
Q3 20142818
Q4 20142822
Q1 20152721
Q2 20152721
Q3 20152420
Q4 20152417
Source: PGNiG tariff, ICIS.

In the reported period, spot prices of natural gas were on a downward trend.

Source: PGNiG tariff, ICIS Average 2014
Average 2015 yoy
MIN 2015
MAX 2015
PGNiG tariff 28.3 25.6 -9.8↓ 23.4 23.,4 28.2
TTF DA net of transmission costs 20.9 19.8 -5.3↓ 15.6 15.6 22.5

The rate of growth in global consumption of natural gas in 2016−2017 is forecast at 1.7% per year, close to the average levels seen over the last five years,
while its annual production in 2016−2017 is expected to go up by 2.1%. Russia’s reaction to planned LNG supplies from the US to Europe and to the opening of the Iranian market is hard to predict. Quite possibly, Russia will strive to maintain its market share even if this means further price reductions.

The oversupply of gas on the market, the warm weather, and low crude prices are likely to support a further price decline in 2016. According to IHS Energy, coal prices in the EU may drop to EUR 15/MWh.


In 2015, average monthly prices of electricity fell relative to 2014 by 15%. Electricity prices were volatile over the year, reaching their peaks in August, when persistent heatwaves and unfavourable hydrological situation in Poland forced restrictions on electricity supply and consumption.

Prices of electricity


OkresElectricity (IRDN) - PLN/MWh
Q1 2014167
Q2 2014183
Q3 2014196
Q4 2014195
Q1 2015146.6
Q1 2015155.5
Q1 2015172.2
Q1 2015153.8
Source: Polish Power Exchange.
IRDN − average price weighted by the volume of all transactions on a trading day, calculated after the delivery date for the entire day.

Źródło: TGESource: Polish Power Exchange Average 2014
Average 2015
MIN 2015
MAX 2015
Electricity 185 157 -15,1↓ 140,2 139,7 177,5


The prices of electricity in 2016 may be driven by a combination of offsetting factors:

  • Proposed resolution of the crisis in the Polish coal mining industry with the participation of energy companies, difficult restructuring of coal sector companies;
  • New obligations imposed on electricity producers by the Act on Renewable Energy Sources
  • Falling prices of natural gas;
  • Continuing low prices of coal and regulations. The domestic market is largely affected by climate regulations and the need to continue upgrading generation capacities (expenditure on new production capacities) and maintain operating capacity reserve (effect on production costs).

No further considerable decline in electricity prices is expected in the near future.


Prices on the global coal market are returning to the levels seen before the Chinese boom. In China, the world’s largest consumer, coal prices have been falling for three years and hitting consecutive record lows. Performance of coal indices is down 25% year on year.

Prices of hard coal


OkresHARD coal ARA price - USD/t
Q1 201479
Q2 201475
Q3 201477
Q4 201472
Q1 201561
Q2 201559
Q3 201557
Q4 201550
Source: ARA prices.

The Polish coal market continues to be oversupplied. In the coming months of 2016, a slight downward trend in coal prices is expected to continue.

Source: ARA Average 2014
Average 2015
MIN 2015
MAX 2015
Coal 75.7 56.7 -25.2 ↓ 47.8 47.7 62.6

Analysts expect that in 2016 coal prices will stay largely flat compared with 2015.

The continuing oversupply of coal might prevent price hikes in the coming months, although prices may go up periodically in the event of severe winter, unless China decides to permanently shut down a large number of its coal mines.

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