Note 12 Intangible assets

Carrying amounts

As at
As at
Trademarks 88 788 88 788
Brand name 130 545 130 545
Customers portfolio 84 729 105 020
Patents and licences 98 169 98 724
Computer software 33 549 31 945
Development costs 7 848 2 209
Other intangible assets 7 375 6 269
451 003 463 500
Intangible assets under construction 27 212 17 728
Exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources 54 583 28 736
532 798 509 964


As at 31 December 2015, the carrying amount of the trademarks recognised on acquisition of Grupa Azoty POLICE amounted to PLN 55 688 thousand (31 December 2014: PLN 55 688 thousand). As at 31 December 2015, the carrying amount of the trademarks recognised on acquisition of Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY amounted to PLN 33 100 thousand (31 December 2014: PLN 33 100 thousand). Trademarks are not amortised. The Group assumed the indefinite useful life of trademarks due to their long-term existence on the market and lack of plans of their modification or replacement in the future.

As at 31 December 2015, the carrying amount of the brand name “POLICE” was PLN 25 545 thousand (31 December 2014: PLN 25 545 thousand), and of the brand name “PUŁAWY” was PLN 105 000 thousand (31 December 2014: PLN 105 000 thousand). Brand names, similarly as trademarks, are not amortised.

Information on impairment tests performed for intangible assets with indefinite useful lives was presented in Note 12.1.

As at the 31 December 2015, the value of customers portfolio mainly results from customers of Fertilizers-Agro segment. Customers portfolios were recognised on acquisition of Grupa Azoty POLICE and Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY. As at 31 December 2015, the carrying amount of the customers portfolio recognised on acquisition of Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY amounted to PLN 83 630 thousand (31 December 2014: PLN 103 371 thousand), which are going to be amortised over 4 years. The remaining part of customers portfolio was recognised on acquisition of Grupa Azoty POLICE and amounts to PLN 1 099 thousand (31 December 2014: PLN 1 649 thousand).

As at 31 December 2015, the most significant licenses comprised: licence for OXO alcohols production of PLN 24 971 thousand (31 December 2014: PLN 26 755 thousand), licence for production of nitrous acid of PLN 9 408 thousand (31 December 2014: PLN 9 777 thousand) and SAP licence of PLN 31 605 thousand (31 December 2014: PLN 31 216 thousand).

There are no intangible assets for which legal title is restricted or which are used as collateral.

The amortisation of intangible assets is generally allocated to the administrative expenses.


Carrying amounts of intangible assets

Trademarks Brand name Customers portfolio Patents and licences Computer software Development costs Other intangible assets Intangible assets under construction Exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources Total
Carrying amount at 01.01.2015 88 788 130 545 105 020 98 724 31 945 2 209 6 269 17 728 28 736 509 964
Additions, including: 8 177 7 922 5 873 2 030 26 169 25 847 76 018
Additions through purchases, construction, transfer to use 8 171 7 922 2 829 2 030 26 040 25 642 72 634
Effect of movements in exchange rates 205 205
Other additions 6 3 044 129 3 179
Deductions, including:(-) (20 291) (8 732) (6 318) (234) (924) (16 685) (53 184)
Amortisation (20 291) (8 691) (5 420) (233) (704) (35 339)
Sales (41) (41)
Liquidation (10) (10)
Transfer to use (16 685) (16 685)
Impairment loss (886) (219) (1 105)
Effect of movements in exchange rates (1) (1) (1) (3)
Other deductions (1) (1)
Carrying amount at 31.12.2015 88 788 130 545 84 729 98 169 33 549 7 848 7 375 27 212 54 583 532 798

Trademarks Brand name Customers portfolio Patents and licences Computer software Development costs Other intangible assets Intangible assets under construction Exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources Total
Carrying amount at 01.01.2014 88 788 130 545 150 067 97 403 27 367 2 471 6 061 13 046 3 532 519 280
Additions, including:     748 9 607 9 089 996 20 264 25 204 65 908
Additions through purchases, construction, transfer to use 9 558 9 066 972 20 114 24 657 64 367
Acquisitions through business combinations 748 22 2 772
Effect of movements in exchange rates 4 24 547 575
Other additions 27 17 150 194
Deductions, including:(-) (45 795) (8 286) (4 511) (262) (788) (15 582) (75 224)
Amortisation (45 795) (8 286) (4 412) (262) (569) (59 324)
Liquidation (99) (23) (122)
Transfer to use (15 489) (15 489)
Impairment loss (54) (70) (124)
Other deductions (165) (165)
Carrying amount at 31.12.2014 88 788 130 545 105 020 98 724 31 945 2 209 6 269 17 728 28 736 509 964


Gross carrying amounts of intangible assets

Trademarks Brand name Customers portfolio Patents and licences Computer software Development costs Other intangible assets Intangible assets under construction Exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources Total
Gross carrying amount 88 788 130 545 204 748 147 569 56 766 10 489 10 876 27 282 54 583 731 646
Accumulated amortisation (-) (120 019) (42 700) (22 321) (2 486) (2 823) (190 349)
Impairment loss (-) (6 700) (896) (155) (678) (70) (8 499)
Carrying amount at 31.12.2015 88 788 130 545 84 729 98 169 33 549 7 848 7 375 27 212 54 583 532 798
Gross carrying amount 88 788 139 995 204 748 139 563 49 278 4 617 8 888 17 798 28 736 682 411
Accumulated amortisation (-) (9 450) (99 728) (34 139) (17 323) (2 253) (2 121) (165 014)
Impairment loss (-) (6 700) (10) (155) (498) (70) (7 433)
Carrying amount at 31.12.2014
88 788 130 545 105 020 98 724 31 945 2 209 6 269 17 728 28 736 509 964


Impairment losses

Patents and licences Computer software Development costs Other intangible assets Intangible assets under construction Total
Impairment loss at 01.01.2015 6 700 8 155 482 70 7 415
Impairment recognised in profit or loss 886 219 1 105
Impairment loss at 31.12.2015 6 700 894 155 701 70 8 520
Impairment loss at 01.01.2014 6 700 110 155 569 7 534
Impairment recognised in profit or loss 54 70 124
Reversal of impairment loss recognised in profit or loss (102) (141) (243)
Impairment loss at 31.12.2014 6 700 8 155 482 70 7 415


Significant expenditures on intangible assets under construction

Most significant expenditures on intangible assets under constructions include among others:

  • Licence for Installation of Mechanical Granulation II in the Parent Company. As at the 31 December 2015, the capitalised expenditures amounted to PLN 1 000 thousand (31 December 2014: PLN 1 000 thousand),
  • Licence OLEFLEX and SHP for PDH propylene production unit in the amount of PLN 11 315 thousand (31 December 2014: nil),
  • Licence for the technology of the plant of ammonia modernisation in the amount of PLN 4 058 thousand (31 December 2014: nil).



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