Note 13.1 Investments in subordinated entities

As at
As at
Investments in associates 107 603 106 407
Investments in unconsolidated entities 3 492 4 435
111 095 110 842
Non-current 111 095 110 842
111 095 110 842


Movement in subordinated entities

For the period
01.01.2015 –
For the period
01.01.2014 –
Carrying amount at the beginning of the period 110 842 128 944
Additions, including: 2 254 2 762
Purchases of shares 839 10
Other additions 1 415 2 752
Deductions, including:(-) (2 001) (20 864)
Disposals, liquidation (1 767) (2 673)
Deductions due to business combinations (15 961)
Reclassification (15)
Impairment loss (1 045)
Other deductions (219) (1 185)
Carrying amount at the end of the period 111 095 110 842


The Group holds shares in 5 individually insignificant associates, accounted for using the equity method.

The Group’s share of profit in its equity-accounted investees amounted to PLN 13 737 thousand
(2014: PLN 13 940 thousand) and in other comprehensive income to PLN 0 thousand (2014 PLN: 0 thousand). In 2015, the Group received dividends from the equity accounted investees of PLN 12 711 thousand (2014: PLN 11 153 thousand).



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