Nota 15 Inventories

As at
As at
Finished goods 222 906 324 629
Semi-finished products, work in progress 146 671 205 728
Raw materials 560 811 602 274
Merchandises 28 381 9 473
Emission rights 221 830 190 840
Other 10 569
Total inventory, including: 1 180 599 1 343 513
Carrying amount of inventories at net realisable value 66 611 34 606
Carrying amount of inventories securing liabilities 109 141
* Financial information restated as presented in point 2.3.1 of the notes to the consolidated financial statements


For the period
01.01.2015 –
For the period 01.01.2014 –
Raw materials and energy used 5 619 255 6 143 389
Change in inventories of finished goods and work in progress (+/-) 142 803 19 821
Amount of inventories recognised as an expense in the period 5 762 058 6 163 210
* Financial information restated as presented in point 2.3.1 of the notes to the consolidated financial statements


For the period
01.01.2015 –
For the period
01.01.2014 –
Write-downs recognised as an expense in the period 50 357 72 654
Write-downs used/reversed in the period (45 088) (68 891)
5 269 3 763


As at
As at
Inventories write-downs 50 432 45 163


Inventories write downs recognised in 2015 relate to finished goods, semi-finished products and raw materials for which cost exceeds net realisable value or which are held on stock for more than one year. Changes in write downs resulted from sale, use or liquidation of particular items and are included in the statement of profit or loss as cost of sales.



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