Note 20 Employee benefits

As at
As at
Liability for pension benefits 110 781 104 056
Liability for jubilee benefits 209 311 199 328
Liability for Social Fund benefits for pensioners 14 284 14 290
Other liabilities 25 759 25 239
360 135 342 913
Non-current 326 968 312 419
Current 33 167 30 494
360 135 342 913


Changes in defined benefit obligation

For the period
01.01.2015 –
For the period
01.01.2014 –
Balance at the beginning of the period 143 585 115 027
Current service costs (+) 6 671 5 268
Interest costs (+) 4 011 4 597
Remeasurement of defined benefit plan net assets/liabilities, resulting from: 6 987 23 542
– changes in demographic estimates (+/-) 7 056 5 538
– changes in financial assumptions (+/-) (69) 18 004
Past service costs(+/-) 1 779
Effect of movements in exchange rates (+/-) (1) 2
Benefits paid (-) (10 429) (6 630)
Balance at the end of the period 150 824 143 585


Changes in other long-term benefit obligation

For the period
01.01.2015 –
For the period
01.01.2014 –
Balance at the beginning of the period 199 328 173 594
Current service costs (+) 10 209 8 802
Interest costs (+) 5 655 6 942
Actuarial gains or losses recognised in profit or loss for the period (+/-) 12 888 27 697
Benefits paid (-) (18 769) (17 707)
Balance at the end of the period 209 311 199 328


Actuarial assumptions

As at
 As at
Discount rate % 3.00% 3.00%
Future minimum wage increases 4.00% 4.00%
Future average salary increases 3.00% 3.00%




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